예원예술대학교 국제교류교육원 로고





[공지]Foreign Students Satisfaction Survey for AY 2021
  • 2021-04-19 00:00
  • 조회 351

본문 내용

Foreign Students Satisfaction Survey for AY 2021

1. Objectives:

- To improve the programs and administrative services of the university including the foreign life of foreign students through the satisfaction survey

2. Content:

- Satisfaction Survey related to the academic programs, administrative services, extracurricular programs, support programs, and scholarship programs of the students in our university.

3. Satisfaction Survey Method and Period:

▶ Period:  April 19 (Monday) ~May 7, 2021 (Friday)

▶ Target Survey Respondents: All foreign students (Undergraduate: 419, Graduate: 364)

▶ Method: Microsoft Forms (Survey)

▶ Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=8vK0kSSc3k6TAQMWk0cUx_17xWoz1W9MuLeh9ULLr8lUQU5TSzlVSkNFVlcwT0VGMTJBTlJIS1NJUC4u

4. Others:

* We are looking forward to your full cooperation.

* The results of the survey will be used to improve the services provided by the university to all foreign students of the university.

Please do comply. Thank

트위터 페이스북 구글